As a certified coach, I thrive on connecting with people, seeing and hearing what challenges them, and helping to facilitate their process of understanding what is keeping them from experiencing what they want most in life. 

Having been through my fair share of difficult life circumstances, internal turmoil, as well as incredibly rich and beautiful life experiences, I have always sought out answers to the big life questions. 

About Me

Drawn to philosophy, exploring the edges of life, and with the wish to understand the nature of suffering I started exploring the physical practice of yoga in my early 20's followed by a many-year immersion into the inner work of both yoga and meditation. After teaching yoga and meditation for over two decades, the path of coaching unfolded as a necessary and obvious parallel path in supporting people in finding their way to happier, more meaningful and connected lives.

Ellie is a certified Life Coach, M.Ed., and EYRT-500.

Designed for individuals looking for a supportive, dynamic community in which to explore navigating this amazing, complex thing we call life. These ongoing group programs are a unique blend of learning, inquiry, conscious self-discovery, coaching, supportive accountability, and empowerment.

Group Meditation & coaching programs

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for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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and conversation with friends.

afternoon coffee


favorite things

My ultimate Five

curled up on my perfect couch.

lazy weekends


favorite things

My ultimate Five


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